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Privacy Checkup

Does Facebook own photos of your kids? Do your FB profile details show up in Google? What’s the difference between private and public posts?

The more connected our world gets, the more important it is for us to think about who we let into our digital lives, and how much information the world can see about is. Sure, we need to talk to our kids about the difference between public and private information online, but WE ALSO need to model a good understanding of privacy as well. Since most parents these days are active on Facebook, we wanted to just give you a few Facebook privacy tips to help you evaluate how well you guard your digital footprint.

Check out the video!

In addition to the information mentioned in the above video, remember that EVERY post on Facebook can have a different privacy setting. Just look for the little blue box that says either “friends” or “public.” Whatever you posted last, that’s the default for your next post!

If you’ve ever seen “source: Facebook” in a news article online, it’s highly unlilkely that the person who posted that photo was contacted for permission to use it. That’s because they had already posted it publicly on Facebook. Journalists with scruples will still ask some people to use publicly posted photos, but they don’t have to. Last year, when a mom was brutally murdered in Seattle, some really unethical news outlets included photos of her four children in the news reports. Under the photos read “source: Facebook” because the mom had posted them publicly. Thankfully because of public outcry, they were removed.

Here’s another article that goes into greater depth about various Facebook privacy issues concerning photos. There are a lot of reasons to be more careful these days with what we’re sharing. Remember, boundaries!

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