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Marking One Year

Parents Who Fight

Jesse and Sarah Siegand, Co-Founders of Parents Who Fight

One year ago, the idea for Parents Who Fight quite literally dropped into our hearts as we prepared a simple online safety presentation for parents at our kids’ elementary school. That one meeting brought so much momentum that it became hard to keep up at times! Since then we’ve done several other presentations and found key connections with allies who are also in this fight.

But the most significant moments of this year involve coming alongside the parents and counselors who have reached out to us for resources, help, or encouragement. It seemed whenever we would begin to doubt the importance of what we were carrying, we would receive a timely email from a parent or counselor with tragic stories of 12, 13, 14 year-olds boys AND girls who have been devastated by online pornography. The burden these adults carry for the kids in their lives is very real, and being able to affirm and encourage them in their fight has been the greatest joy of 2015 for us. These exchanges have kept us pushing forward with renewed strength.

On the brink of 2016, we are excited for some big changes we have made in our family’s schedule so we can more heartily pursue all we’re called to. As we fully swing into the “tween” years with our kids, we realize there is no time to waste in pouring all we can into these champions.

What about your parenting goals for 2016? What brave steps will you take this year to preserve your kids’ healthy futures and protect their innocence? How can we help you?

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