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We help parents protect kids online

Get connected with a global movement of parents and organizations who are proactively engaged in the battle for this generation.

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Hello! We are the Siegands.

If you’re a parent, pastor, teacher, or leader who is concerned about the future of the “digital generation,” you’re not alone. We started Parents Who Fight to give parents the tools they need to not only become educated about online dangers, but also to help them become vigilant in fighting for their kids’ emotional, mental, and spiritual health.


This is the fight of our lives. Our kids need our leadership, wisdom, and training to become the champions and leaders God has created them to be.


Fighting with you and for you,

Jesse & Sarah Siegand 

Jesse & Sarah were featured in the Documentary "Childhood 2.0," which has over 4 million views and is free to watch on YouTube.

Jay, Father of 4 / Nashville, TN

"I attended a Parents Who Fight workshop and became much more aware of what we as parents are up against. Screen addiction is up, as well as depression and suicide. Additionally, predators are leveraging kids’ games to groom children. I am fairly tech-savvy, but major tech companies don’t make protecting your child online very easy. I am grateful for the awareness and proactive recommendations they provide."

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Upcoming Events

  • Wed, Apr 23
    Apr 23, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:20 PM
    Forest Hills Baptist Church, 2101 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, TN 37215, USA
    This first session will focus on the landscape of what our kids and teens face online, and why parents need to be fiercely focused on the influences coming through technology.
  • Wed, Apr 30
    Apr 30, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:20 PM
    Forest Hills Baptist Church, 2101 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, TN 37215, USA
    This session will focus on helping parents build a strategy for technology access in the home (and church!) and finding partners to support each other.
  • Sat, Sep 13
    Living Word Family Church
    Sep 13, 2025, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
    Living Word Family Church, St Joseph, IL 61873, USA
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